Types of Charity & Not For Profit jobs we fill

  • Entry: Fundraiser
  • Senior: Charity deputy director
  • Popular: Charity shop managers (non-voluntary)
  • Specialist: Crisis support worker, fundraising database officer

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Trinity Hospice Shops Ltd

Industry spotlight


Most of our charity and not for profit employers have dramatically changed their candidate requirements.

While previously they offered lower salaries believing the job fulfilment and the ‘good cause’ effect would secure them the candidates they need, they’re now taking a more corporate approach. This means paying market rate salaries to attract people who can satisfy the charity’s objectives rather than their own. Those who can’t compete on salary are turning to more practical benefits, in particular flexible working options.

Amazingly, charities are often over-charged for their recruitment needs as they can have such specialist requirements. As many still haven’t recovered from the economic downturn and big cuts in central government funding, it seems their staff will continue to be asked to do more for less.

We’re also seeing changes in fundraising recruitment, where corporate fundraising and lobbying roles are growing as public fundraising roles decrease. Unfortunately, job turnover in fundraising remains stubbornly high, so we still see lots of canvasser roles.

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