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Thumb Rankings

Don’t lose track of your applicants, use our Thumb rankings to help you filter candidates. Thumb Rankings are located in…

What is Shortlist+ and how to use it!

Shortlist+ is an automated telephone screening tool. It allows you to hear candidates answering your questions without meeting them. Simply…

How to filter in only the right applicants by commuting distance

Getting numerous applications from your job advert is fantastic, and with Recruitment Genius you can let technology take the strain… is kicking off job boards

The tides have turned for as Google is penalising them for too much duplicate content. Therefore, Indeed had no…

Improved Shortlist+ Screens Applicants Even Better

We’re delighted to announce a significant upgrade to Shortlist+. It has proved hugely popular, in July 2017 we conducted over…

Recruitment Futurology

CEO of Recruitment Genius, Geoff Newman, shares his insight with the Recruitment Society.

10 Ways To Help Staff Beat Post -Holiday Blues

If you expect some of your staff to comeback revitalised and chirpy after a holiday in the sun then think…

Three Tips To Help You Boost Your Team’s Morale

There might be someone in your team who is currently in a position where they have completed a big project…

Google to include salaries in job advertisements even if employers do not

Employers who do not include a salary in their job advertisements will soon find Google automatically add a Predicted Salary.

How is artificial intelligence (AI) replacing workers?

Learn how artificial intelligence and machine learning is already replacing workers. Some people find this transformation exciting whilst others are…

Why Employers Should Buy Office Plants For Their Business

Having office plants can have a series of positive effects like creating a welcoming feel to the work environment. A…

How To Make Working During The Christmas Period More Fun

Let’s be honest. No one really wants to come to work over the Christmas period. But if your business can…

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