Author:Geoff Newman

How to Survive Redundancy Survivor Syndrome that can be cultivated by businesses accidentally when mass redundancies take place.

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How to Survive Redundancy Survivor Syndrome

How to Survive Redundancy Survivor Syndrome that can be cultivated by businesses accidentally when mass redundancies take place.

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How to Keep HR as Simple as Possible

The notion that simplicity - quick, basic methods - always work well, while complexity costs and confuses and disappoints will…

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Maintaining the Employer Brand

Find out how to maintain the Employer Brand.

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No Right to Bank Holidays?

Publicity suggesting that all workers are now entitled to time off on bank holidays on top of an extra 8…

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The Hidden Cost of Childcare Vouchers

The extensions that were recently made to maternity entitlements have implications for employers’ childcare vouchers. Despite vouchers still being tax-efficient

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There is Still the Issue of Protecting Data

The Data Protection Act has given Human Resourcing a lot of extra work since its introduction in 1998, but 12…

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Running A Management Away-Day

Many managers fear the annual event that is the management away-day. But the exercise is meant to induce a shared…

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Delivering Effective Inductions

Induction training is meant to be welcoming for new employees, giving them the information and skills they need to perform…

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Losing Data with Employees

Employees who leave organisations unwillingly may feel inclined to take something valuable with them. But an exit management policy that…

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Being an Effective Facilitator

Facilitation is an important skill for managers, but unfortunately so often it is done poorly. Discover how to be an…

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Companions in Disciplinary and Grievance Meetings

There are often queries regarding when companions can come to disciplinary or grievance meetings and when not.

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Internet Job Searching in the UK

The UK’s online recruitment market is dominated by London, according to new research into internet job searches.

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