About Pebble

Pebble is a ten-year-old training and software promoter for the education sector. Pebble is currently working with a multi-academy trust to implement a blueprint for academies.

“We’ve never looked back”


The challenge

Pebble hire on the basis of talent and values, and train employees in the appropriate skills afterwards. The traditional recruitment model for matching CVs to job adverts with roles and responsibilities is the opposite of what Pebble wanted. They needed a way of prioritising individual values over and above skills that can be mapped onto the job and role requirements later.

The approach

Recruitment Genius has helped Pebble to recruit candidates based on values. The way the technology works – setting up keyword searches in order to filter each applicant – allowed Pebble to enter specific key word searches and filter hundreds of applicants down to find 10 or 20 who could be contacted easily.

All CVs are ranked online so you can easily see how many applicants have applied for each job advertised. With stage ratings you can see whether you’ve reached out to an applicant or not, and if you have moved them to the interview stage or not. With an FAQ section, you can be extremely specific with what you include in the advert itself

“It keeps my desk free of paper and it’s really user friendly”


The outcome

Pebble may be a small business, but it is growing; 30% year on year and it is looking to scale up significantly.

The anonymity provided by Recruitment Genius branded ads also help the company see a broad range of talented people. “A lot of people want to work for big brands and that is fantastic, but when people come and work for us they love it,” Green says, “but they don’t know they are going to love it until we actually start a dialogue with them. Using Recruitment Genius and staying anonymous is fantastic for us to make sure we get high-level candidates without a stigma of a small business,” he adds.

Green’s own recruitment skills have improved during the time Pebble has been using Recruitment Genius, too.\r\n \r\n“When we started writing ads we used Recruitment Genius’ editorial team – I would send off the job advert and they would give us some feedback and constructive criticism on how to improve it or get more candidates. It’s helped improve my job advert writing.”

Help from Recruitment Genius means the process runs smoothly. Account managers know what roles Pebble are recruiting, know the success rates and can manage expectations. “We know what we’re working with and whether we are getting a good result or not.”

Recruitment Genius also helps Pebble to keep its budget on track. The continuity provided by the pricing system – knowing what the cost will be every month – makes life a lot easier for small businesses.

“I’m the Managing Director and I do all the recruitment, so if I can fit it into my job role it’s got to be pretty slick”