New figures released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) have revealed that vacancies are rising, offering those looking for employment more options to take advantage of than ever before. For the quarter to August 2012, the number of unfilled jobs, on average, was 473,000, offering crucial roles for those currently out of work.

Having calculated the figures for the year, the ONS said that the three months to August saw an increase of 5,000 vacancies when compared with the previous quarter. Meanwhile, overall figures for the year showed that there was a rise of 14,000 job positions. This means that it is the ideal time for recruitment agencies to help companies find workers with the right skills and expertise. Meanwhile, data from the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) said that the vacancies were highest in the healthcare, IT and engineering sectors. Those with experience in these areas, therefore, are likely to find more employment opportunities than ever.

Mark Hoban, British employment minister, said: “British businesses deserve great credit for continuing to create jobs even in these tough economic times, and now we have one million more people working in the private sector than in May 2010.”

Despite there still being fears about the economy, it seems that many companies are creating jobs in an attempt to stave off financial woes and grow their firms. For those who are out of work, the latest figures offer renewed hope that jobs are steadily becoming more numerous and accessible.

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