Nowadays, finding the right person to fill a vacancy is much more than placing an advertisement in a paper and hoping that the right candidate sends in his or her CV. With the internet at your fingertips and the rise of social media, there are talent pools just waiting to be tapped that not only broaden the number of people you can choose from but also help increase your ability to find the perfect person to fill that slot. Online job sites offer one alternative but here are some of the best tools for recruiting available:
Google Alerts
Get news delivered straight to your inbox as often as you want it on any subject you desire. Keep up to date with what your competitors are doing and you can be ideally placed to keep an eye on any of their staff that are making waves in your industry.
Social Media
Not just a place where people hang out, social media sites are now an invaluable talent resource with more and more people gaining employment through social networking sites. There are literally hundreds of millions of people using social media. The more active you are on social media the better chance you have of meeting potential employees.
Friends and Family
More and more people are being hired through personal recommendations and with a workforce already at your fingertips, why not find out if they have any friends or family that might fit in to your company and offer something you feel might give you an edge over your competitors.
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