It has been proven time and time again that employees that are engaged in their job and highly motivated are the ones who will stay with a company longer.  These employees offer a higher standard of performance so it becomes critical for a company, even when recruiting new staff, to know just what exactly drives their staff and how they can encourage more of their employees to engage on a deeper level for the benefit of the company.

When it comes to identifying top talent who will add to your firm, there are a number of things you can do to ensure that you employ highly motivated people.  Start with ensuring that you are aware of exactly what type of person you wish to recruit.  Developing an ideal candidate recruitment profile can help with this process and will help you have a clearer idea of what you are seeking.  Evaluate the people already employed with your company and identify what makes them the top performers, and then you will have a clear idea of what to look for in potential employees.

Talent attraction becomes far easier when you have a clear idea of what you are looking for.  Tailoring job advertisements and recruitment strategies means that you will spend less time on applications that are not suitable, as you will attract a higher quantity of ‘viable’ candidates, which frees up your time to get to know the people who are applying to work with you.

Become a Recruitment Genius

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