According to a survey there are three major issues that cause conflicts and problems among the employees working in an organisation. These three major issues are: stress, personality clashes and heavy workloads. Among them the one issue that is very difficult to deal with is personality clashes among the employees, and this issue has been a big highlight in a working environment over the years.
Employees that are faced with problems revolving around personality clashes in a working environment can benefit a lot from employment laws meant to resolve such issues so that employees work in a comfortable environment and at ease. Personality clashes can be very damaging to the employees and the whole atmosphere. The atmosphere can become quite tense and in some cases it becomes quite hard to work efficiently. There may be cases when senior position employees upset the junior staff members by passing on rude and unbearable comments.
There have been several cases reported and taken to court regarded personality clash issues at work. These issues may lead to unfair dismissals within an organisation because the employers prefer to get rid of those employees who cause problems in the organisation due to their personality. This kind of approach leads to unfair dismissals because fractured relationships at work are very hard to pull together in a positive way. Therefore many employers tend to dismiss troublesome employees on the basis of misconduct or inability to work within a group.
But it is very important for the employers who consider personality problems as a ground for employee’s dismissal to consider all relevant acts that can be beneficial in improving the relationship at work. Dismissal should also be the last resort. It is important that employers doesn’t generalise the individual’s behaviour to dismiss them. The employer should be able to prove that the individual was causing conflicts in the overall working environment and that other employees were also getting affected.
It is important to have a solid reason behind an employee’s dismissal and sometimes a personality clash is definitely the reason that leads to the dismissal. But the personality issues can be dealt in a positive manner as well. Every single approach should be considered to get rid of personality problems. These types of problems arise because every individual has a personality that differs from others on many grounds. One employee may find some comments quite rude and obstructing while for others such comments can mean nothing at all. Most of these clashes arise due to these kinds of problems.
The employee on the other hand has the right to challenge the dismissal in a court and the court ruling may find the dismissal unfair on the grounds of a personality clash, but may still rule in favour of the dismissal because a person with personality problems may cause severe issues and be harmful to the whole organisation.
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